Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2 Months

Okay, so I finally had Emma and it has been a whirlwind since, as the lack of posts attests to. She was only 7lbs 4oz at birth, which was great for me. By her two week check up, she weighed 8lbs 10oz and at her 2 month visit she weighed in at a whopping 12lbs 9.5oz. She is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Our big girl is growing fast!
Emma has recently learned that she has hands. She balls up her fists and makes a very intent effort to bring her fists to her mouth, but is usually unsuccessful. It's so funny to watch. I think she even found her feet while we were in the car today. She's also started enjoying her playmat, as she can see the toys on it, but she hasn't started playing or interacting with them yet. Her sleeping patterns have been really off the last couple of days. I'm not looking forward to tonight, because she may be up a lot. The last 3 weeks have been awesome since she has been sleeping for about 9 hours every night. Another recent development has been Emma's voice. She is starting to make some noises (other than crying). Here is a pic of Emma and mommy!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dr. Reed

Not feeling up to writing a detailed post today, but we met with Dr. Reed this morning, as our normal doctor is on vacation. Both Bryan and I felt very comfortable with her and she seemed to be very supportive of our birth plan. She stripped my membranes, which was not a fun experience, but may help me go into labor. I'm currently still only dilated to 1cm. After some discussion, it was decided that we will go ahead with the plan to enter the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6pm to receive medicine to help my cervix dilate. The hope is that the medicine will dilate my cervix enough for me to go into labor. If not, they will start me on pitocin on Thursday morning to induce labor. I'm hoping this doesn't happen, but it is a possibility. If the induction is not successful and Emma is still happy, they will send me home and try again next week. That's not very likely to happen though. Dr. Reed seems to be on the same page with me and Bryan about avoiding a c-section, which is great for us! Anyway, that is the latest on where we stand with Emma's birth. I'm going to try to go for a short walk before it gets dark to try and help her move along.

Friday, April 29, 2011

39 Weeks...

My pregnancy feels like the Energizer keeps going and going. I realize that I'm not even to my due date yet, so I shouldn't feel this way, but I'm a little impatient. It also might have something to do with the inability to get comfortable or sleep well.
Bryan and I went to the doctor on Thursday. I felt like she was pressuring us to get induced next week, even though she didn't come right out and say it. My cervix has become slightly more effaced, but is firm, and I'm still only at 1cm. This data does not point to a successful inducement. Not to mention, we already told her that we didn't want to be induced unless it was necessary. She is going on vacation from the 9th-16th, which is why she wants to induce on the Thursday or Friday before she leaves. Bryan and I told her that we would only induce if there was a medical reason for it, which does not include her vacation schedule. So, we are going to see the doctor again next Thursday (on our due date) and re-evaluate. If there still isn't enough progression, we'll plan to see the other doctor in the practice early the following week and induce at the end of that week if we have to. They don't want us to go much more than a week past my due date, as it can cause some problems for the baby and delivery. In my opinion, that qualifies as a reasonable cause for inducement.
Well, that's the game plan. We are still hoping that the baby comes on her own sometime in the next two weeks, but if not, then we'll be induced. That means our baby girl should be here within 2 weeks, no matter how it happens. I really don't want to have a c-section, but I'm sure I'm like most mothers out there, in that I will do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby.
Hoping my next posting will have good news!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Is it possible to pregnant forever? I feel like am going to be..maybe I'll be the first! Needless, to say the doctor said there were no changes yesterday. I am still dilated to 1 cm and my cervix is not softening. I'm am walking every day, in addition to being on my feet at work, but to no avail. Emma is happy where she is and has not decided to start making her way towards the outside world. I have another doctor's appointment next Thursday. We'll see if there are any new developments by then. Until then, we will be waiting....

Friday, April 15, 2011

37 Weeks and Counting

Ok, so I'm ready for Emma to come now. I'm tired of being pregnant. It's really not all that bad, but I am ready to be done with this phase and meet our little girl. We have finished the nursery and I finally finished making my substitute plans for maternity leave. I am going to continue working as long as I can though. I am trying to get ahead in my current masters class, as Emma will be born sometime during it. Other than that, I am just waiting...

I went to the doctor yesterday and I am dilated to 1cm and the baby is still at a -3 station. I was hoping for more change since the last appointment, but I guess even a little progress is good. I go back to the doctor next Wednesday to check again. I'm usually not superstitious, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this Sunday, as it's the next full! In all seriousness though, I'm trying to remember who's in control and leave it up to him. I know Emma will be born at the exact moment she is meant to be. Meanwhile, I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures of Emma's room.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Last Ultrasound

I went for my last visit and ultrasound with the high risk doctor this past week. I was excited to find out that the calcification is still gone!! So, I guess its time to breathe a sigh of relief and start believing that it won't come back. Little Emma measured in at a whopping 5lbs 15oz with 5 weeks and 2 days until her due date. Basically, she is almost the size of a small full term baby. I guess we are still looking at having a large baby. I'm hoping she is fully developed soon and will come a little early, just to lower the chances of having to be induced or having a c-section because of her size. However, the doctor doesn't seem concerned about it. She said that 9lb babies are perfectly normal. I wonder if SHE has given birth to a 9lb baby, as she might feel differently. Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. She has chubby cheeks like her mom.

Still keeping her hands close to her face. The fuzziness on the right side is the placenta.
I also asked the doctor if she had started to drop, but the answer was no. She appears to be enjoying her time inside the womb. She's in no rush to join the rest of the world.

In other news, Bryan finished the baby's room. I just have to finish washing some things and put them away. Then, we'll be completely done with the room. I am currently working on getting my maternity leave plans finished for the substitute. I'm finding that it takes a tremendous amount to work to plan for 3-4 weeks. On the books for this week are finishing my maternity leave and some other school tasks, packing my hospital bag, finish washing Emma's stuff, studying for my principal certification test (taking it on Tuesday), and the normal stuff around the house. I'm even hoping to sleep in next Saturday!!! Then, I'll have to start my next master's class. I want to work as far ahead as possible, because the baby should be born sometime during the course.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Baby Shower

Sorry, it seems like forever since I posted! Bryan, Emma, and I have been trucking along. Bryan and I took a newborn care class at the hospital on Tuesday night. Now, we only have our Childbirth Preparation class to go. Unfortunately, that class lasts an entire weekend. I also had my baby shower on March 5th. I can't say thank you enough to all of my friends and family that helped throw the shower. I had a great time! I also want to thank Marcia, my mother in law, for coming to visit from out of town and helping us get ready for Emma to arrive. I have the greatest friends and family in the world. Here are some pictures from the shower.

Me with the cake!

All of the attendees.

Me and the hostesses!